Colors that respect nature
Sustainable development & CSR
Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) are core values at GREEN’ING :
- For our productions
- For the selection of our supplies, suppliers and partners
Sustainable Development
We offer colors from nature that can return to nature on the principle of craddle to craddle philosophy.
All our natural colours are from sustainable raw materials :
- from organic & local cultivation of dye-plants
- from farm / food local by-products and development by our R&D (upcycling)
- natural extracts from local partners that we develop for color
- selected sourcing, for materials from mild regions.
Finished products in natural color are compostable or biodegradable at end of life (if our ingredients are not formulated with products or substrates from petroleum origin).
Contribution to biodiversity
Nature is a basis for our company. Its perservation is a duty for us.
Dye-plants are a source of biodiversity in fields
Dye-plants have not been submitted to genetical selection, therefore they provide intraspecific genetic diversity in culture
Our dye-plants are grown without any pesticides ; they are hardy plants, often with limited needs. They contribute to animal biodiversity and some may be source of honey
For collected plants, we use approved collectors and pay attention to the respect of resource
Our raw materials comply with CITES and protection of endangered species
Eco production
Limit and reduce our carbon footprint
- No heating energy to dry our plants – we take benefit of the dry and hot air of the South if France in summer.
- Extractions without any harmful solvents and by using environmentally-friendly extraction technologies
- Optimized extractions to reduce the use of raw materials, solvents and energy.
- The solid wastes from our extractions return to fields or can be further upcycled.
- Development of dyes & ingredients from collected & upcycled by-products.
- Concentration with cooling units to reduce the water consumption and recycle water
- This website is hosted by a local partner
For our packagings :
- No raw materials from deforestation
- Use of cardboard, kraft and recycled plastics packagings
- For shipments: recycling of packagings and fillers from suppliers
Commitment for our territory and circular economy
Partnerships with local farmers, nurseries and collectors, contribution to local productions.

Men and Women are center of the system
People are the main strength of companies - we are attached to the employees who make GREEN'ING working and who contribute to its image
- Our team keeps gender parity among employees and managers
- Inclusion of people from disadvantaged areas and/or disabled
- We implement actions for cohesion and well-being at work
Contribution to tomorrow’s strengths :
- We collaborate with many schools, universities, training organizations and teachers
- We welcome interns or support end-of-studies projects