Products GREEN‘ING
Small packages – online sale
We did select 100% natural extracts from tracked origin and ingredients, selected for the best quality / price ratio. Natural dyes and other natural ingredients, tannins, mordants. Products from France or Europe, except some tropical materials.
These products can be directly purchased from our GREEN‘ING
Industrial and B to B supplies
We did select – shorter – ranges of products that can be supplied in large quantity, on stable and regular basis for your industrial developments. We can also propose products complying with cosmetics or food requirements.
Please contact us for any information.
Working on your own development? We can help you sourcing your raw materials or support your cultivations and productions.
A selection of our natural dye extracts from GREEN’ING is approved compliant to GOTS 6.0.
These ingredients may be used in the manufacture of GOTS certified textiles.
Feel free to contact us to receive the list of GREEN’ING natural dyes compliant to GOTS.